Wednesday 27 April 2011

Wednesday 27,April

The market opened higher @ 19600 (up 80) Nifty 5884 (up 20) and then gradually drifted lower to 19400 (down 140) Nifty 5815 (down 50) - before closing for the day @ near the lows 19445 (down 102) 5831 nifty (down 37).

Tomorrow being the F&O expiry day - there should be bit of volatility. But 5750 - 5900 seems to be the range for next few days.

Wipro results were as per expectations -Net up 14% . But apparently the market does not prefer such expected results and probably was looking for some surprise on the higherside. The q1 guidance by Wipro was cautious - may be that was the reason the share was down 3%  @ 448.  Wipro would be a good buy for longterm if the price were to go down further 10% to around 400 - 405.

Tomorrow - plenty of results : ICICI/BOB/ LIChsg/ Biocon/Polaris/Vijayabank ??  and F&O expiry ?? should be interesting.

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