Friday 17 May 2013

Reluctant retail investors

The market reversed the 450 points fall on May 2013 and ended higher for the week at 20286 (nifty 6187) .
This is a new 30 months high.

Most retail investors are yet to participate in this rally .
And the FII have invested over $ 16 bn into India so far this year.
Inflation is at the lowest .
S&P  has maintained the rating BBB- long term sovereign rating - the lowest investment grade.
The commodity prices are still making new lows this year.

with the next general election less than 12 months away and the Government is more likely to follow electoral friendly message than taking any tough stance -so what are the chances of the market rally sustaining.

My view is the market will continue to rally till the reluctant retail investors are back in the market and make their investments at the top. 

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